Welcome Behavioral Health Today Listeners

Since you are here, you must have heard me on Behavioral Health Today.

I hope you found our conversation to be insightful and informative. As a world-renowned specialist in developmental neurological disorders, my focus spans across the unique needs of children, adolescents, and adults.

My work intricately bridges the relationships between brain function, behavior, and immune health, ensuring a comprehensive approach to both diagnosis and treatment.

Through my expertise, I aim to provide tailored care that addresses the complex interplay of neurological and immunological factors, promoting optimal development and well-being at every stage of life. In my roles as a clinician, professor, brain researcher, and bestselling author of Disconnected Kids, I concentrate on conditions such as ADHD, autism, OCB, ticks, anxiety, as well as other developmental issues. 

My dedication lies in integrating brain function, behavior, and physical health. The Melillo Method, a revolutionary approach to neurological disorders that I have developed, has transformed thousands of lives.

I invite you to join us as we explore my groundbreaking work and gain unique insights into the complexities of the brain.

Dr. Robert Melillo